Why We Love Hilliard, Ohio
Hilliard is located in Norwich Township. The city is a suburb of Columbus, located in Franklin County. Hilliard has an estimated population of 37,000. The city is home to “The Early Television Museum,” which is the only museum like it in the entire nation. Hilliard is also the home to the nation’s second largest First Responders Park and Heritage Rail Trail. Heritage Rail Trail is located in front of its fire department off Northwest Parkway. Hilliard is located between Big Darby Creek on the west and the Scioto River on its east. Originally called Hilliard’s Station, the town started forming near the railroad route of the Indiana and Piqua Railroad stations, which divided the farmland. Hilliard’s Station was an ideal shipping location for local agricultural products going to larger markets as well as supplies needed by farmers in the area. The city was laid out by John Hilliard in 1853. Later, they named the city after him. Up until the mid-20th century, the old railroad station and Main Street served as the center of the town.
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